Miscellaneous Sights
Along the Road System
Here are some cool sights along the Alaska highway system. I could make separate pages for many of these topics, but that would require too much disk space.
Alaska Railroad transports freight and passengers from Seward in the South to Fairbanks in the north. Most transport is provided over the 360 miles from Anchorage to Fairbanks. What isn't hauled on trains is driven by truck.
During the winter months the rivers are frozen over, but not solid. Although you can't see the small lead in midstream, the sky-blue ice is quite photogenic, even at dusk.
Below is a glimpse of the mountain scenery which almost always looms in the distance. The only exception is when you are right against the range, and you see nothing but mountain out the car window. I believe this is Mt. Hayes.
In the Alaska Range, about 60 miles or so north of Valdez, is Mt. Billy Mitchell (named for the Air Force Pioneer). Of course it blends in with the rugged terrain, but nicely demonstrates the beauty right on the road.
The trans-Alaska pipeline runs from the North Slope (Prudhoe Bay) to Valdez, traversing 800 miles of some of the roughest terrain (and perhaps most inhospitable) in the United States and Canada.
If you ever drive south from Fairbanks to Valdez, you will be able to see the pipeline crossing mountains that look uncrossable. I've seen it for years, and am still amazed.... Check out
Alyeska Pipeline's site for more information.
These hot air balloons are lifting off from a field near the University of Alaska Fairbanks, on midnight sun tours. (time-11:00 pm, June 6)
Near the settlement of Anderson, Alaska, the Nenana River crosses the Parks Hwy. A small restaurant and hotel is located near the bridge and has a fishwheel on display. Fishwheels have been part of Native and non-native subsistence life for decades. They operate passively, driven by the current. The fish are scooped up and dumped into troughs along side (at the bottom).
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